At Jared Eliot Middle School, all students participate in art class every other day for one semester each year.
Our curriculum is centered on the following core artistic processes:
Creating: Conceiving and developing original artistic ideas and work.
Presenting: Sharing artistic work with others.
Responding: Understanding and evaluating the meaning and impact of art.
Connecting: Relating artistic ideas and work
s to personal experiences and broader cultural contexts.
Through the lens of art history, students explore the "why" and "how" of art creation, understanding art as a reflection of different civilizations throughout time. During the semester, students work with a variety of media, including drawing, painting, printmaking, crafts, ceramics, and sculpture. A strong emphasis is placed on the safe and responsible use of all art materials.
The Eliot art program provides a strong foundation in visual arts, preparing students for further study at The Morgan School. Students in Grades 6-8 receive a letter grade, while Grade 5 students are assessed using a standards-based grading scale.
Grade 5
Fifth-grade students embark on a journey through art history, starting with Prehistoric art and continuing through Byzantine Art. They begin by studying the elements of art (line, shape, color, and texture) and develop the ability to identify, describe, and create both 2D and 3D artwork. Lessons emphasize craftsmanship, including proper use and care of materials, tools, and equipment. Units focus on self-discovery through art, fostering creativity and foundational skills.
Grade 6
Sixth-grade students continue their exploration of art history, focusing on Medieval Art through Post-Impressionism. Building on their knowledge of the elements of art, they expand their understanding to include the principles of design (balance, pattern, unity, etc.). Students create original 2D and 3D artworks, developing artistic decision-making skills while reinforcing safe art practices.
Grade 7
In seventh grade, students delve into art history from Fauvism to Non-Figurative art. Units focus on themes, concepts, and techniques associated with various artistic styles. Students further develop their understanding of the elements and principles of art, with an emphasis on value, contrast, line, and rhythm. This year encourages students to analyze how these components influence art-making, while also fostering personal artistic expression and the ability to interpret and reflect on the meaning of artworks.
Grade 8
Eighth-grade students conclude their study of art history by exploring movements from Regionalism through 20th-century art. They refine their ability to integrate the elements of art and principles of design into their work while expanding their personal artistic style. With an enriched art vocabulary, students master the ability to describe, analyze, interpret, and evaluate works of art, including their own. Emphasis is placed on creating original artwork that expresses personal meaning and demonstrates connections to historical styles and movements.